BERL’s research helps business and communities understand and respond to challenges. We collect evidence and apply sound economics with a broad perspective. Our work spans the following three kete.


Assessing demographic and community challenges, including employment, education, training.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Te Ōhanga Māori

Mahi for and with Māori entities and businesses, and iwi, hapū and whānau trusts.



Devising, refining, and implementing regional and local economic development.


What happens in the economy if there is a boost to productivity growth?


BERL research for APEC to understand the economic impact of the pandemic on Indigenous Peoples to support an inclusive recovery.

Te Ōhanga Māori

We created an emissions profile for the Māori economy to understand vulnerabilities and opportunities for Māori in the transition to a low emissions economy.


We all pay for sexual violence, in this analysis we show what the economic cost of this is.


Shame about not being able to afford hygiene products leads to lowered self-esteem and self-confidence, exclusion, and worsened mental health outcomes.

Te Ōhanga Māori

The Emissions Reduction Plan provides an opportunity to create equitable outcomes for the Māori economy in the transition to a low-emissions economy.


We're looking for participants across the country for research on wāhine Māori small business owners in export trade for the Ministry for Women.


BERL’s expert evidence showed that the Teaching Council did not follow a proper process when it decided to make certification of teachers an annual requirement.


BERL research for APEC to inform and support statisticians, researchers and policy makers within the APEC region to understand and value Indigenous economies.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Te Ōhanga Māori 2018 paints a picture of the Māori economy in 2018, showing far-reaching business activities, a diverse asset base, and a growing skilled workforce.


Senior Researcher, Amanda Reid, presented at the “Engaging Diverse Communities and Stakeholders” conference.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Māori horticulture is growing rapidly, with 300% growth in 12 years.


Assessing the existing and potential future economic roles and functions of the Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Area.


Wellington City Mission's Whakamaru given $10 million shovel-ready grant.