BERL’s research helps business and communities understand and respond to challenges. We collect evidence and apply sound economics with a broad perspective. Our work spans the following three kete.


Assessing demographic and community challenges, including employment, education, training.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Te Ōhanga Māori

Mahi for and with Māori entities and businesses, and iwi, hapū and whānau trusts.



Devising, refining, and implementing regional and local economic development.


By building kōrero and listening to the whakaaro of experts we intend to unpack challenges and highlight opportunities to address inequality.


150,000 children in Aotearoa today are experiencing material hardship. We’ve got a long way to go to make our nation a great place to bring up children.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Māori horticulture is growing rapidly, with 300% growth in 12 years.


This green pro bono study asks what a low-emission, regenerative, distributive and resilient Aotearoa New Zealand looks like for communities.


Following on from our exploration of kaupapa-led organisations, we ask how accountability and trust contribute to social licence and organisational resilience.


Assessing the existing and potential future economic roles and functions of the Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Area.


Wellington City Mission's Whakamaru given $10 million shovel-ready grant.


BERL, The Helen Clark Foundation, and WSP online panel discussion on how good public policy can create the conditions for social connection to thrive.


As part of BERL’s pro-bono mahi, we are taking a deeper look at how the kaupapa of organisations may be more explicitly communicated and understood.


BERL advice to the Ministry of Justice on the development of a legal recreational cannabis market.


New Zealand has successfully contained the COVID-19 virus. We may need more work to make world food consumers happy to keep buying our clean, green food.


BERL has worked with various local councils to conduct data analysis of rates affordability in their district, and to draw out the story from the data.


A series of ongoing research into the results of the 2018 Census, with a focus on identifying relevant insights that can be applied to improve New Zealand today.


“Prime Minister, if avoided deaths are expected to number less than 10,000, then it would be best to hold off on the lockdown and avoid a draconian loss of GDP.”