New Zealand is a tale of two worlds – high bachelor’s degree attainment coinciding with high numbers of adults with no secondary school qualification.

If you want to export butter to Thailand, there are three trade agreements with avenues for you to leverage; how do you navigate them to maximise the benefits?

How has the primary sector dominated our economy? Why are our food products internationally sought after with a reputation for quality? R&D has the answer. 

BERL is the leading provider of a broad range of economic research, analysis, advice and consultancy for business enterprises, organisations, iwi, institutions, community groups, industry associations and public sector clients in New Zealand.

Our latest mahi


New Zealand's wine industry is addressing workforce challenges and seizing opportunities with insights from our latest research on skills and roles.


A review of retirement village regulations and operating models across the globe, including Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada, Germany, and India.