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Statistics NZ has published the first release of more detailed 2023 Census data. We have a brief look at some of the more interesting data that is available. 

The 2024 financial statements of the Government revealed the largest OBEGAL deficit since COVID-19 and the GFC. 

New Zealand is a tale of two worlds – high bachelor’s degree attainment coinciding with high numbers of adults with no secondary school qualification.

How has the primary sector dominated our economy? Why are our food products internationally sought after with a reputation for quality? R&D has the answer. 

Growing knowledge-intensive service industries is an opportunity to address New Zealand’s declining productivity.

Can the unrealised potential of the ANZTEC be leveraged to help New Zealand achieve its ambitious export goals? 

The housing crisis is at the heart of the issue of increasing poverty among older people. 

Diversifying the primary sector’s core crops with high-value crops like saffron would add resilience to New Zealand’s economy.

Unemployment is forecast to increase. The Government, however, has a goal of shifting a significant number of people off the Jobseeker Support benefit.

Tax cuts provide short-term relief, but if we are to become more prosperous and improve living standards, long-term productivity improvements are essential.

New Zealand’s two-way trade with the Pacific Islands Forum reached close to $4 billion by March 2024. At its core, this is built on people-to-people interactions. 

Finally, the first numbers from the 2023 Census have been released. We have close to five million people, and have an older but more ethnically diverse population.

Environmental and climate change initiatives have not been slashed and burned, instead the money has been shifted around to reflect different priorities.

A no-surprises first budget for the coalition government sees two thirds of new funding for budget 2024 going to education, health, and law and order.

We have been shielded from high youth unemployment, but are we aligning with countries where high youth unemployment rates have been persistent for decades?

Central government is supportive of turbocharging growth in the aquaculture industry, but what does this mean for New Zealand’s economy, environment, and society? 

Forbes’ World’s Billionaires list highlights a global trend as baby boomers transfer their wealth to the next generation.

The Reserve Bank accepts that many of its usual labour market indicators performed poorly during COVID-19. 

What gets measured gets valued. Has biodiversity been ignored by economists?

Official Cash Rate announcement is a light on the horizon for homeowners, but migration is putting pressure on housing costs for renters.

The universities’ recent responses to emerging challenges appear fragmented and shortsighted. So, how did we get here?

The new government has begun disestablishing Te Pūkenga, bringing a halt to all recruitment, as part of its 100-day plan. 

A large energy transition is required, and underway, in New Zealand. But an underlying concern in this transition is ensuring opportunity for all consumer groups.

The CPI trends downward, but is it telling the whole story?

Our new government has set a priority to target free trade agreements, particularly with India. It may boost resilience but will compromises need to be made? 

Could tripartite consensus and open dialogue be fostered to encourage long-term economic planning over short-termism?

Overall population growth driven by net migration, while Māori population retains youthful age profile, impacting demographic landscape.

How do we know what value our investment is creating in communities? How can we measure, manage, and report our impact to support informed decision-making?

Nobel Laureate in the Economic Sciences awarded to Professor, Claudia Goldin, for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes.

This week, the New Zealand Treasury opened its books, showing optimistic forecasts for economic growth, inflation, and employment.