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The University of Glasgow’s Adam Smith Tercentenary Week reflected on the life and legacy of one of its most famous alumni and faculty.

New Zealand exporters may encounter difficulties with overlapping free trade agreements and varying rules of origin, creating a “spaghetti bowl effect.”

The Emissions Trading Scheme is undergoing a landmark review. Forestry will play a crucial role, but there is tension between reducing and sequestering emissions.

Migration and international travel are recovering. But the shifted dynamics, and the balance between long-term departures and arrivals, pose a challenge.

RBNZ’s intention to create a recession appears thwarted, according to Budget Economic and Fiscal Update forecasts.

Budget 2023, shaped by competing dynamics, lived up to its name – the “no frills” budget. It also revealed that we are playing catch-up with our largest neighbour.

Has the labour market peaked? The trend of low unemployment and high wage growth continues, but that is expected to change sooner rather than later.

New Zealand lags behind OECD countries in terms of R&D expenditure, but is edging closer to the Government's target of R&D expenditure equal to two percent of GDP

It looks like the worst of inflation may be behind us. The labour market is showing early signs of cooling down, oil prices have fallen, and OCR hikes seem to be working.

The impacts of climate change will be costly

New occupations are emerging at a fast pace. The tools we use to capture this information should reflect the reality of our changing economy.

We look at the current state of child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Kiwi firms report shrinking profit margins, more regular price changes, and a reduction in online sales.

Wellington's public transport network is underperforming, with Metlink struggling to meet its targets for rail and bus punctuality and reliability.

The New Zealand economy contracted late in 2022 indicating that the recession, which has largely been engineered, may have started nearly six months ago.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity. 

Contractionary monetary policy is not always a silver bullet to curb inflation during turbulent times.

With the 2023 Census about to take place in New Zealand, is it really needed, and what happens to my data?

The IPEF provides New Zealand with a broader engagement in decarbonisation, environmental, and digital standards, which could create new opportunities at home and abroad.

The labour market is beginning to loosen up as demand for new workers starts to dry up. However, for now, wages continue to rise at record pace.  

Annual inflation did not budge in December 2022. But it was below expectations, so how strongly will this impact the next OCR announcement?

The 2023 Budget Policy Statement makes the Government’s priority clear as it heads into the election year – reduce inflation. 

Monetary policy is a complex, yet blunt tool. Does a dual mandate simply further take away from monetary policy serving its primary purpose?

Treasury forecasts suggest no easing of pressures currently ravaging the economy. Key economic indicators point towards a tough couple of years ahead. 

Konrad and Hillmarè sit down for a chat about what 65 years in business looked like for BERL

For the September 2022 year, inflation in producers’ input and output prices have remained steady at record high levels. 

We look at data on business births and business turnover to uncover which industries have lowest barriers to entry.

For our 65th birthday, we look at how our exports have changed since 1957.

With seemingly no more room to grow, the labour market continues to surprise on the upside. 

In this article, we analyse the evidence for the claims made in the Housing Technical Working Group’s newest report.