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Wellington International Airport is a vital point of connectivity for the Wellington region and plays a critical role in the regional economy 


New Zealand's wine industry is addressing workforce challenges and seizing opportunities with insights from our latest research on skills and roles.


A review of retirement village regulations and operating models across the globe, including Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada, Germany, and India.


A report for the Consumer Advocacy Council addresses the role of the Electricity Authority in setting prices, and discusses how new technology could reduce costs.


Museums and galleries play a significant role in our local and national economies, contributing to tourism, gross domestic product and curriculum-focused education.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Grounded in te ao Māori, te Ōhanga Wāhine Māori spans interwoven strands of entrepreneurship, employment, and social and cultural enhancement through unpaid work.


Plant variety rights protection benefits the economy, health, and the environment, but increasing costs could impact the competitiveness of primary industries.


The latest insights on New Zealand's aged residential care sector unveils trends and ongoing challenges.


Report for NZKGI finds kiwifruit export model has created a brand that manages quality and quantity to deliver high returns to kiwifruit growers.


ANZTEC has been successful in facilitating trade in goods between New Zealand and Taiwan, but there are opportunities to maximise the partnership.


New research estimates the contribution facilities management makes to New Zealand’s economy.


Studies into Kānoa-managed investments in Te Tai Tokerau Northland and the manufacturing-engineering sector found positive economic, business and community impacts.


Which economic model is appropriate for what research situations? We assisted FMAG in answering this question.


New research by Community Networks Aotearoa reveals the banking issues plaguing community organisations in New Zealand.


Research shows lack of data on rare disorders in New Zealand, suggesting health entities lack understanding of their prevalence and impact.


Just 14 percent of our exporting firms are owned by women. Our research helps highlight the barriers for women in the export sector.


Data Manager, Hugh Dixon, presented at the 2023 Symposium on Seafood Production.


We uncovered many lessons that could be applied in Aotearoa New Zealand, and modelled how a large retrofit scheme could impact our economy.


We conducted a review of the Treasury’s Business Finance Guarantee Scheme concluding that the programme supported small-medium enterprises to borrow during COVID-19


BERL research has revealed that museums and galleries play a critical, but often overlooked, role in conserving cultural capital in Aotearoa


Migrants most at risk of exploitation lack knowledge of their employment rights – making this information more accessible is crucial.


An ambitious move to lower emissions from new houses and offices could contribute $147 billion to GDP, and support 46,000 additional full-time jobs per year.


Reflections on the developing post-COVID economy, Ukraine, what it means for local communities, and other aspects of the economic backdrop over the medium-term.


Many homes in New Zealand are not providing adequate protection from winter conditions.


The funding has made a transformative contribution to the region.

Te Ōhanga Māori

As we look to the future of work there is a need for agility, adaptability and shifting mindsets if we are to build sustainable and resilient career paths.


Demand for aged residential care is forecast to increase by an estimated 15,000 beds by 2030 but an unsustainable funding model is threatening fair access to care.


New research into the migrant pay gap in New Zealand has revealed concerning inequities between migrants from different countries of birth.


BERL completed a SROI evaluation of Whiria te Muka, an innovative programme to reduce whānau harm in Northland.

Te Ōhanga Māori

The Tāmaki Makaurau Māori economy is diverse and growing rapidly.