BERL’s research helps business and communities understand and respond to challenges. We collect evidence and apply sound economics with a broad perspective. Our work spans the following three kete.


Assessing demographic and community challenges, including employment, education, training.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Te Ōhanga Māori

Mahi for and with Māori entities and businesses, and iwi, hapū and whānau trusts.



Devising, refining, and implementing regional and local economic development.


Yes, continue aggressive eliminate strategy in Aotearoa. But we will still have to learn to 'live with' COVID-19 as it will continue to be present elsewhere.

Te Ōhanga Māori

This research includes data from two cohorts of school leavers, comprising 79,000 rangatahi Māori.


With nearly 50 years at BERL, we ask our kaumātua to collect some of his thoughts, reflections and recollections in this podcast series.


We're looking for discussion board participants across the country for research on the consumer credit sector for the Commerce Commission.


A kōrero at Rau Tipu  Rau Ora Summit in Tairāwhiti urged us to view “the economy” through the lens of kaitiaki of taonga, not consumer of resources.


An evaluation of the current state of the New Zealand waste stream, and the potential effects of introducing a large waste to energy plant.


How do organisations communicate their kaupapa or purpose, how do they demonstrate their accountability, and in what ways do they measure value?


Frozen French fries from northern Europe are being dumped on the New Zealand market. They might be cheap, but this will harm the public interest.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Mā te titiro whakamuri ka kite a mua
Our future is revealed by looking back to our past.


Greater Wellington will not avoid the economic shock of COVID-19 over the next couple of years, followed by slow growth until 2030.

Te Ōhanga Māori

BERL has partnered with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to update the Māori economy 2013 report.

Te Ōhanga Māori

COVID-19 has and will continue to have an unprecedented impact on the world, Aotearoa and the Māori economy.

Te Ōhanga Māori

A generation of Māori will be disrupted by the fallout of COVID-19. Māori were impacted by every previous economic shock, and this time will be no different.


BERL stands by the findings of our feasibility study.