BERL’s research helps business and communities understand and respond to challenges. We collect evidence and apply sound economics with a broad perspective. Our work spans the following three kete.


Assessing demographic and community challenges, including employment, education, training.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Te Ōhanga Māori

Mahi for and with Māori entities and businesses, and iwi, hapū and whānau trusts.



Devising, refining, and implementing regional and local economic development.

Te Ōhanga Māori

Part three of a series on our research into the future of the Māori workforce: Exploring the forces that have shaped and influenced

Te Ōhanga Māori

Part one of a series on our research into the future of the Māori workforce: Preparing our future Māori workforce

Te Ōhanga Māori

Part two of a series on our research into the future of the Māori workforce: Writing the future work narrative


BERL undertook research for BRANZ on financial incentives to design and build high performance homes.


Our annual Wānanga held on 5 September with over 40 guests in attendance. The kaupapa was value or values, money or mana.


BERL Wānanga are designed for korero to confront and challenge the ‘business-as-usual’ mindset.

Te Ōhanga Māori

The Māori economy has been established in Aotearoa for several centuries. The past 15 years has seen significant change.

Te Ōhanga Māori

The Interim Climate Change Commission (ICCC) has released a suite of reports, including research from BERL.


NZ has over 25,000 unwanted alarms every year, Fire and Emergency New Zealand asked BERL how much is it costing us?


The future of work is in our hands and will largely depend on the policy decisions we make as a country.


Social entrepreneurs fit neatly into how economics understands the concept of the entrepreneur.


As an emerging and important type of entrepreneurship, what is the economic contribution of social enterprises?


How the size and composition of the international visitor market changed between 2008 and 2018.


Will the introduction of synthetic foods destroy New Zealand’s agriculture sector, or provide it with new opportunities?