Can the Emissions Reduction Plan create more equitable outcomes for Māori?
The Climate Change Commission shared its final advice report with the Government on 31 May 2021. This advice report will inform the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan, which will be completed by the end of the year. In preparation for its final advice report, the Climate Change Commission commissioned BERL to provide baseline Māori economy data and an accompanying summary document. The aim of the summary document was to inform the Climate Change Commission’s advice report and evidence reports.
The summary document highlights that Māori are likely to be disproportionately impacted by the Emissions Reduction Plan, but that there is an opportunity to approach the transition to a low-emissions economy in a way that seeks equity for Māori. To do this, it is crucial that Māori are a key part of the conversation and decision-making. This involves providing greater support for Māori (individuals, whānau, collectives, etc.) to transition, as well as resources for initiatives that are led by Māori, for Māori, and in Māori ways.
The summary document can be found on the Climate Change Commission’s website here.